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Invent Help - Inventhelp com will take your money but will not tell you ALL the NEGATIVE truth!


STOP! Don't invest a single dollar into your invention -- help company you're thinking about using to solicit your so-called great idea until you read this:

Invention Home company as well as all of the other invention - help companies will take your money and you will get nothing for it in return! This is a 97% accurate statement!

Only 3% of inventions/ideas solicited by these invention - home companies are accepted by manufacturers/private companies. Invention Home told me this. I believed at least one of the two inventions I paid them $6000 to make a product presentation of my inventions and solicit it to potential manufacturers/private companies would have fit within that 3%. WRONG! I foolishly believed my two inventions/ideas would be accepted and produced by a manufacturer or private company. I honestly believed my two products would have sold well in the stores if produced and presented. I believed this because the products I invented were extremely useful and appreciated because I enjoy using it at home as well as my friends, family and neighbors. They all said they agreed with me how useful and beneficial like two products were and they still have and use the prototypes I made and gave each of them. Does this sound familiar to you regarding your inventions/idea?

This website indirectly solicits possible customers to lawyers to consider taking on the case for the people who place posts at this website regarding dissatisfaction with a product or service of a company. I think it's a great idea and I hope this website continues it. But, no lawyer can help me nor any of you other inventors out there regarding this problem. These invention - help companies spend thousands of dollars making sure they worded the contract properly which you sign in agreement before you pay them thousands of dollars to create a product description package of your idea/invention and solicit it to so-called hundreds and hundreds of potentially interested manufacturers or private companies.

At the end of the year of my two inventions being solicited by Invention Home they told me they had solicited my two inventions to over 400 and 600 various manufacturers/companies related to the idea/invention. How did they come up with that number?! I looked on the Internet for all manufacturers and companies related to my two inventions and only found a handful, worldwide. And when I ask them about those 400 and 600 related manufacturers/companies they would not tell me who they were, as agreed to par the contract/agreement I signed prior to paying them $6000 for soliciting my two inventions.

All of these invention -- help companies lead you to believe YOUR INVENTION may indeed be one of the 3% accepted products by a manufacturer or private company by simply telling you that they see some unusual unique ideas/inventions excepted which most people would not think Manufacturers would accept. But, what they don't tell you is the true facts: The only products excepted by manufacturers are those related to the medical industry or some handy dandy tool for home use like the ones you see on info commercials late at night on TV. You never get to see how successful or unsuccessful those handy dandy tool sales are through those late-night info commercials.

Invention Home lead me to believe my products just might make it and be accepted by a manufacturer or private company by NOT TRYING to make me realize how slim the chance I or any of us have in getting a manufacturer or private company to purchase our idea/invention.

Invention Home receives approximately 2 or three new customers a week continuously, as I was told by them. Which means, obviously, they are taking approximately $6000 a week, $312,000 minimum a year and ONLY 3% of those customers will have their ideas/inventions accepted and used by companies, as I was also told by Invention Home. In other words, 97% of those customers have just lost all of their money, hopes and dreams of having their product become successful and available to others at stores.

PLEASE TAKE MY ADVICE, which cost me $6000 to learn about, DO NOT GIVE YOUR MONEY to any of these intervention -- help companies because your product WILL NOT BE EXCEPTED! Unless it is a medical tool or device or something like a 12-in-one screwdriver for home project use!

The most practical, simple, direct and immediate way to begin sales of your product is to manufacture it yourself using your money, your hands and your home to build these products. A perfect example I can share with you is what I did with one of my inventions about 15 years ago. I came up with an idea/design to quickly and easily remove scratches on fast food restaurant bathroom mirrors. The concept was simple. To remove scratches from the mirrors which the neighborhood Hispanic gang members love to scratch by signing their name or gang sign on I simply designed a mirror system with a replaceable shield covering/protecting the mirror. So, now the scratches on the mirror could be removed in three minutes time and at a cost of about three dollars. The fast food restaurants really love the idea/design because it meant they don't have to close down the bathroom for a half hour while the mirror companies replace the scratched mirror. Within a 50 mile radius of my home I sold and installed over 150 of these mirror protection systems and brought in over $18,000 in the first four months of business! I also did not spend any money or time in a patent search or patent protection for my product.I believed it was a completely new concept and the big companies would not come after me if they did happen to have something similar to it. I wasn't rich and I was just a private individual trying to make some money on an idea I came up with and could find no one else with anything similar to my idea/invention. And companies/corporations are not going to waste their time and money on one individual selling a few items related to their product. They will simply tell you to stop making it immediately or they will take legal actions against you. That's all that will happen. I did pay my state taxes on profit made from that mirror protection system.

If anyone has any questions for me regarding anything here please feel free to respond to my post and I will reply ASAP.

DON'T BE A FOOL WITH YOUR MONEY, PRIDE AND HOPE as had happened to me after I foolishly gave Invention Home $6000 of my hard earned money and then realized what a scam these invention -- help companies TRULY ARE! Do it yourself or not at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reason of review: Not as described/ advertised.

Monetary Loss: $6000.

Location: Glendale, Oregon

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Shakeema Got

I’m thankful that information was out there and it’s a shame that some company’s make you think something different while playing on your emotions and robing you of all your hard earn cash karma is real


please contact me as soon as possible at 201-663-**** i have questions.


Invent-Help...or Like Invent-Tech,..Remember,

I Put in $ 5000 Dollars,..for you to take over my Idea,...

I received Nothing,......I want my Money Returned.


Interesting. We went to Invent Help today and listened to a very professional sales pitch.

First the book $746 then ONLY $10,000 for the next step...... We are still wondering if this is a scam and do they really do all they say. We have a product patent pending but just do not know how to market it.

I do not believe we will go with them. Like you my husband has made prototypes and given them to friends and neighbors who love them - but then what?


How would I go about it myself?


I am super glad I took the few minutes to look up reviews before I submitted my idea. I was a little sceptical before but now after reading this, I am certain.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story. It has helped at least one person from making a mistake. Thank you again.



That mirror thing is a great idea.



Just read your review. You mentioned if your idea was in the medical field you have a better chance.

Would you still use invent help if your idea was for the medical field?


What you said makes a lot of sense. I tried getting a company like Inventhelp to help me before.

I unfortunately am the guy who created the life-like punching bag that so many people are buying and it's sold in Sports Authority right now. I spent many years ago about $3000 for nothing only to find out that there was a class action law suit against the company and if i didnt sign on to the class action I'd get nothing.

I signed on and got 2 payments of $90.00. I think that I'm going to do this on my own.



Hispanic gang signs huh??


Can your product remove any mirror scratches or just Hispanic gang member etchings?